Andre Sólo shares the story of his real hero's journey traveling from the source of the Mississippi to the mouth of the Amazon. He set out to prove that the stories he read about from childhood could be done, not just by legends and myths, but by anyone.
Carol Soth: Teaching Hero Stories to Incarcerated Young Women
Carol Soth works with young, incarcerated women by using the hero's journey model made famous by Joseph Campbell. Her art projects help these women incorporate the lessons of hero stories into their own lives.
Matt Langdon: The Hero's Journey
Matt Langdon introduces the hero's journey as a model for our life and provides ideas for using it more effectively and deliberately.
Clive Williams: Applying the Hero's Journey to Your Life
Clive Williams shares his experience with using Joseph Campbell's hero's journey model in his psychology practice.
Phil Zimbardo: Thoughts on the Hero's Journey
Dr. Philip Zimbardo, famous for the Stanford Prison Experiment, discusses his insight into the hero's journey parallels of starting his nonprofit, The Heroic Imagination Project.